
The pictures below will give you an idea of the types of doilies we offer in our shop.

Some of our doilies

Model "Nefertari"

Model "Nefertari" : made in pure linen, various sizes, rectangular or squared.
Available in white and ecru.

Model "Picasso"

Model "Picasso": realized in cloth of pure linen, with the addition of lace inserts. Different sizes and shapes.
Available in white and cream.

Model Tris da Camera Pizzo Chiacchierino

Model Tris da Camera Pizzo Chiacchierino: realized in pure linen "Bisso" (a thinner one). Different sizes. Available in white and cream.

Model Tris Camera Intarsio Botticelli

Model Tris Camera Intarsio Botticelli: Realized in pure, brushed, coloured (ecru) linen, various sizes with one or two lace inserts.
Available in ecru and cream.

Model Tris Camera Tramezzo Botticelli

Model Tris Camera Tramezzo Botticelli: in pure, brushed, coloured (ecru) linen, various sizes with one or two lace inserts.
Available in ecru and cream.

Model Tris da Camera Modello Picasso

Model Tris da Camera Modello Picasso: Realized in pure linen "Bissone" (a thicker one), with lace inserts. Different sizes and shapes.Available in white and cream.

Model "Safiè"

Model "Safiè": Realized in brushed, embroidered linen. Various sizes, from 30 to 90 centimeters.
Available in: white, cream and mud.


Our shop mainly works on demand. This means that our customer has got the chance to order the doily (as well as all the other products) he/she desires choosing the pattern, the colour (white or ecru), the size in a way that best suits his/her taste. For further information please contact mr. Fabio via phone or email (for the phone numbers and email address click on "Contact").

The price of our creations varies according to the size.

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